Meca-Inox PY4CY-Fire Safe ball valve
The PY4CY FS ball valve is a fire safe version (according to EN ISO 10497) specialized for cryogenic conditions. Even under the most extreme conditions the PY4CY shut-off valves provide a reliable sealing to the outside. The PY4CY fire safe differs from the PY4CY to make it more adapted to LNG : - Its shorter spacer. Which size varies less in case of extreme temperature. Leading to less risk of leakage. -The body seals are in graphite instead of PTFE -The sockets design make it more damp-proof.
Fire Safe Test
The valve was subjected to a fire test during 30 minutes at 2 bar. During the test the average temperature of the calorimeters was higher than 650°C. After the test, the valve was checked and repressurised. The valve body was found airtight. It is used for liquefied gases, such as the LNG-market.